5 Truths Every Parent Should Know...

By: Rose Mcphail (Guest Blogger)

1. There is no such thing as a true expert. They are only opinions which change every 5-10 years. Parents should follow their own instincts and babies direction for matters such as when/how to feed, how (co/crib) sleep, and what position. If it doesn't feel right then it is probably wrong. 

5 truths every parent should know

2. There is no such thing as too many burp rags. As young infants, especially if very active, there will be lots of erp. When teeth start to come in there will be times where your child will drool more than a Saint Bernard. And once they are too stained, they make great dust rags.

The Teething/Nursing Necklaces from The Vintage Honey Shop make excellent teething aids for teething babies!

The Teething/Nursing Necklaces from The Vintage Honey Shop make excellent teething aids for teething babies!

3. Yes! That much can come out of someone that small. Also, don't be alarmed when you see every color from yellow to green to orange to brown. And even ebf babies will have a variety of colors depending on what mommy eats.

Five Truths Every Parent Should Know

4. It doesn't matter if your child is breastfeed or bottle fed, vegetarian or omnivore. As long as your child is well fed and able to get the nutrition he or she requires then you are doing the best for your child by making sure that they are well fed.

Five Truths every Parent Should know

5. There is no such thing as a perfect parent. While we all strive to be the best possible parent that we can be for our children we all make mistakes. It is a part of human nature. Being a parent is a life long learning experience. At some point every parent will have a moment when they feel like they have failed. However, there will be several more moments where you know that you have been a great parent. As long as your child is happy and you have done everything in your power to keep your child as healthy and safe as possible, then you have done your job, you have been a great parent. And I will take a great parent over a perfect parent any day. 

Five Truths Every Parent should Know.

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Kristy Kemp

My name is Kristy Kemp. I created Breastfeeding Mama Talk back in September 2012. My motivation behind creating Breastfeeding Mama Talk was to be that support system for breastfeeding mothers around the world.