Breastfeeding Toddlers

By: Resident Nurse Aimee

Education to Promote Long-Term Breastfeeding and Eliminating the Stigma Found in the Health Care Profession.

 long-term breastfeeding has not had such an avid place in the scientific world for research (which is a potential indicator of why there is stigma from health care professionals displayed to mothers who choose to participate in extended breastfeeding).

The premise of this study was to explore the attitudes of health professionals in the USA towards long-term breastfeeding, and then to show them an educational display to promote more positive attitudes and knowledge towards the idea. They first found that respondents reported negative attitudes, however once they saw the display and received education on the idea, the percentage of those that found extended breastfeeding acceptable increased dramatically. In actual fact, for children 1-2 years old, it increased from 61 to 89% and from children 3-4 years old it increased from 22 to 41%. This study concluded that educational media may have a positive effect on health care professionals and their attitudes towards long-term breastfeeding. 

This picture of this mother nursing her baby and her almost five year caught so much heat from our followers on Breastfeeding Mama Talk & the Opinionated Mamas Facebook page. It get's reported & then removed by Facebook EVERY TIME it get's p…

This picture of this mother nursing her baby and her almost five year caught so much heat from our followers on Breastfeeding Mama Talk & the Opinionated Mamas Facebook page. It get's reported & then removed by Facebook EVERY TIME it get's posted. It even made it's way on the national news! I really do not know what all the hype was and why it got such a negative response. Breastmilk will ALWAYS be the most beneficial source of nutrients for any kid at any age!